

to the Shyamanic realm

books n glasses.jpg

Sample Some Work

It’s on the house.

UX Writing

Thoughtful strategy, creative problem solving, and evocative writing come together in a unified approach that always starts from the mindset of the user.



The bread, butter, and jam of my professional life, copywriting technically covers almost everything I create. This collection features some of my favorite and most purely copy-driven projects.


Personally, my all time favorite work. The wild imagination of the idea stage followed by a period of crafty writing and, finally, some precision talent direction - all of it makes each film an excitingly intricate challenge.


Creative Concepts

Descriptive, deep-diving, demanding. Nothing challenges the faculties of a Shyaman quite like dreaming up a creative concept in a haze of ayahuasca and cortados.

Social Media

As a Community Manager and Content Strategist, I've honed my marketing skills on the grindstone of Social Media for years. These are but a few choice cuts from a body of work spanning thousands of tweets, innumerable images and plenty of posts.


Passion Projects

From UX to spellchecks, is one big passion project. A one-man-studio production. All this tinkering has inspired a habit of crafting various media content. Whether solicited or not, a jam sesh with the self sharpens both mind and pen.


Thought Leadership

Written for an exclusively physical publication, these articles take an anachronistically measured approach to issues of expression, communication,
and identity.


Experiments in music and spoken word are under way.
